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Created for More
Psalms Learning Center believes that creativity, joy and experience are just as important as academics; and above all that, God and family.

Created to Worship
Lift up a great shout of joy to Yahweh! Go ahead and do it - everyone, everywhere! Worship Yahweh with gladness. Sing your way into His presence with joy! Psalm 100: 1-2

All students, Kindergarten through High School, receive a personalized learning program. Students work at their proficiency level while meeting academic goals and standards.

Psalms Learning Center
Where every day is Spirit Day,
filled by the Holy Spirit!
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
Isaiah 54:13

Hats off
to our

Interested in enrolling your child? Contact us today!
Fill out the Form below or call (928) 706-3893
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